My Wizard Ads HowTo Marketing Tips and Resources for Online Entrepreneurs

Saturday, August 05, 2006

What Advertising Direction is Best? Is there a best? What should I do to succeed online?

This evening, after spending a very long night last night and all of today converting my web site (still in progress), as I was calling it a night, I received the following email (thank you Stephen!):

Hello My Wizard Ads!

I hope you are doing well. I ran a couple of Ezine Advertisements with several companies that over promised and under delivered. Unfortunately I received no Real traffic to my site

I know there are no promises in this Industry, but when you spend hard earned money and see no return, it kind of hurts.. :) If you had a Business Opportunity, what direction should I go??

I have heard great things about your company, and I am anxious to begin working with you. I feel this will be a great partnership for both of us into the future. If you can guide me to the best options for home-based business opportunities, I will go with what you say! Thank you for taking the time out today, and I look forward in working with you soon!

Yours in Prosperity,
Stephen Scott


I don't want to say I have a "standard" reply, but if you've spoken with me on the phone or written back and forth by email, you just might recognized my response this evening. Please understand, this is the ONLY thing I know to tell anyone. Regardless of what gurus tell you... you and I are destined to WORK at our jobs online. Money will not fall into our laps, but that's okay... hopefully, like me, you like what you're doing.

So here was my reply:

Hi Stephen!

Unfortunately your story is very familiar - lots of promises and than WHAM!

I do not make any promises or guarantees... I can't. There's no way to compare apples to oranges. I can tell you I have many returning customers and new people happy with the customer service and advertising I provide.

Others are not as fortunate. Some pick winning things to promote and others are fighting a hopeless battle. The hopeless cases I truly encourage to keep looking - even better to take the time and build their own websites and find something they would be truly happy keeping busy with... hence the niche sites that do so well.

Affiliate programs can be really tough unless you can turn a special angle with them that others are not doing.

My suggestions are basic and simple:

1. Submit on a clockwork-like basis to the search engines - starting every 15 days and in a month or so going to every 30 days... but you MUST remember to do it has a program submit tab, use it, they are good. Also, and don't believe them when they say "thanks you don't need to do this again." You do. Over and over - could take upwards of a year.

2. Get involved in the social bookmarking sites and "craze" that is not going to disappear. Search engines love those. Read everything (for free!) that you can about it. is a great place to begin. Yahoo thought this up and delicious is Yahoo.

3. Get traffic. You might not make sales initially, but you need to show the search engines (read Alexa) that traffic is coming your way in a steady stream. This also takes time and patience, but must be done. Shop carefully for this... I am a direct path to a primary source online, not a seller of a reseller of a reseller. The prices I've seen jacked up make my head spin. Either I'm too stupid to do it, or they are criminal in the pricing.

4. Always, always, always run a classified ad in ezines and newsletters. Become a part of the readership. Provide feedback, articles, suggestions, etc. Every time you do, include your name and web site url and ask (beg if need be, but you won't need to) the publisher to include your remarks. Make them intelligent informed and caring replies and get YOURSELF know to the other readers as a reliable person with good remarks and insight. People do tend to buy from people they feel they know. It's that simple.

5. Make sure the programs, software, ebooks, whatever you are interested in promoting have been read and used by you. If it's junk, get a refund. If it's not, write informed and insightful reviews on why someone should check it out. Be helpful.

6. Write. Write articles. Get someone else to write them for you for a fee if need be. Good articles worth taking someone's time to read. Ezine article directories are plentiful on the net and a great place to sign up and get yours included. I have one myself at My personal article library is at Read a few of them. They aren't rocket science, but do tend to help people more often than not :)

These are the basics. Setting a schedule to get it all done is primary and critical. Keep at it and sooner or later - and it does take a lot of doing - things will begin to "pay off."

Hope this helps LOL!

In fact, you've just given me my post for the night to my blog at:
My Wizard Ads HowTo Marketing Tips and Resources for Online Enrepenuers (you're reading it right now *smile!*) Thanks!

All the best,


I hope YOU found this useful, too :) Magic exists in fairy tales. You CAN do this... but it takes persistence and the drive to DO IT. Even in the not so good times, until you "get it right."

* * * * *

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