My Wizard Ads HowTo Marketing Tips and Resources for Online Entrepreneurs

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Is Your Money Tree Nake?

My post for today is spawned by the phone calls I've been receiving from extremely nice people who've joined this or that program and now wonder what they should be doing to promote it.

In some cases, additional resources are included for a fee, resources designed to pull in the leads to be converted to sales for this or that person.

My advice in a nutshell is to go to the source of the program. Find out what their resources are, how they are being used, and how the heck you personally benefit from their advertising on your behalf.

If you've joined the program (whatever it may be) and paid a fee to join, you have a god-given right to expect answers to your questions. I really don't care of whether you've spent a lowly $5 or mortgaged your home for $50,000 to become involved (I pray you did not do the second!). When money changes hands, the person doing the paying has a right to ask questions and expect answers - replies in a decent amount of time that answer the question.

Making someone submit support tickets one after the other with no reply is a poor way to do business - I think we'd all agree on that... right?

One last remark for today... no matter what the web site claims "join and do nothing and we'll make you rich" cannot possibly work. Sheer common sense should tell you you can't fill a basket with air and expect money to come raining out. One must promote - individual members must promote. It is unrealistic not to understand that most basic of marketing, banking, financial concepts.

After thoroughly researching any program, and I mean takes days or weeks to mull it over and investigate, and making the decision to sign up be sure to also allot within your budget for the much to be needed advertising you most certainly will need to do to hold up your end of the air-filled basket.

Money does not grow on trees nor does it rain from the skies. It comes from hard, diligent work and patience. Making wise choices helps :)

Theresa Cahill is the owner of My Wizard Ads, Online Advertising Co-Op, a true one-stop spot for ezine ad advertising, solo ads, targeted traffic, and more!

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