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Saturday, June 02, 2007

Molten Marketing is Ready - Your Personal Invitation

Greetings to you!

Theresa and Jeff here with a very special invitationto extend to you today.

Molten Marketing is going LIVE and we invite you to join "the motherload of marketing memberships" right now.


SIDENOTE: If you don't want to wait a second longer, go here for all the details and join now


Our "official" grand opening will be later on this coming week. We'll be doing our press releasing, etc., to let the whole world know.

With this in mind, it's important that we give YOU the opportunity to "get in ahead of the rest."
What you'll find when you reach the site:

7 different services designed to market your website kicking it into high gear (yes, you get all 7)

And... so many, many, many more features we'd have to just replicate the sales page here to even begin to give you a small clue about what's inside.

The one thing you can count on with Molten is nothing stays the same - this is not your typical membership, we set out to make it unique and... it really is!

Another point you need to know:

Molten doesn't need to be, but will be, a limited membership. This means there are only so many openings available and when it fills up, the join button comes down.

Many "typical" memberships do this because they MUST, we're doing it for a different reason - because we WANT to :)

This means there are only 750 (at this initial writing) available openings. Plenty of room right now for you, and all those you know, but THIS WILL NOT LAST.

You're about to step inside the membership of all memberships. Molten will truly be the last membership you will ever need.

See you inside!

Theresa & Jeff
Molten Marketing
Henderson, Nevada & Baltimore, Maryland

P.S. Stop reading *smile!* and get over there now

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